i'm sitting here listening to my old testament prof on my computer....getting ready for my finals.
last week was fun...lots of chrismas parties around campus and good times with friends. it's so weird to think that this is our last week here...
it's been fun though =)
and i should go finish studying....
but here's a few pictures from last week for your viewing enjoyment =P

i got to go to a momm party....was good times just relaxing with friends from last year...i like these kids =D...a pic of us trying to convince Dr. Clauson to eat christmas cookies!

during campus christmas we went to a concert and christmas movie and dr brown (our president) read us christmas stories....mel and i got to sit in the very front for story times =D

the group at christmas dinner

our fireplace and (real!) christmas tree that we had in our lounge for open dorms!

we were listening to our RA read us christmas stories!