Tuesday, January 01, 2008


new post. new year. new semester. so many things are new.

it's strange to post right now. i usually think to update so that people who don't live near me, specifically my grandma, know what's going on in life, so it seems funny to update now. i miss her.

break's been good. nice to be in the new house with the family. it was a nice semester, but it was draining and break has been a good time to rest and rethink and recharge. life in the country seems a little slower...it's a nice way to be in the middle of christmas break. good time to see my family and play games and sleep and clean and get ready to go back to school and figure out ideas for life. good time to reconsider priorities and focus and see how the walk is.

and now the break's almost over...it's gone by fast. it's nice to be on break. it's nice to be at school. i'm blessed with two nice places to be. this semester looks like it will have good classes. i still love this psychology thing...so i'm looking forward to taking more classes for that. the bible studies are really encouraging and i'm excited to be in those this semester. jen and i are moving into a new room =)....i'll miss the old hall...it's a great group of girls. but i'm excited to move into the new room too...i like my roommate =D.

i looked up the word "new" in the Bible this week. it seemed kind of significant when i saw all the different times and ways it was mentioned, more than i thought of before. it was good to think about with the freshness of a new year here. it goes well with the chance that break brings to ponder life and who i want to be. matthew 22:37 and 6:21 are my thoughts as i'm thinking about the newness of this year. i want to learn about the combination of those and what it looks like...all my heart and where my treasure is...seems like there must be an important connection. that's my hope with this chance at a new year.

that's life here. hope that your year brings new depths in your love for Him. =)