Wednesday, February 04, 2009

time... going so quickly this semester. i feel like i am sitting still but it is speeding by. i'm sick this week. but it's sort of nice to rest a little. and thankfully i have time.

i got to help cook supper at a home nearby tonight. nathaniel, ben, and i are on the wednesday night team with another girl from class who couldnt be there tonight. we had fun making spaghetti and garlic bread and eating it with the people there. it was good.

tomorrow is opening night for our winter play. i'm really excited to go see it. my mentor is directing so i'm especially excited for this one.

i got to journal today. i'm working on doing that more this year. i bought a new journal and its brown with buttons all over cute. it makes journaling more fun. and i'm finding it's a better way for me to pray too. i focus better if i'm walking or writing while i pray i think. especially walking. but writings a good alternative during the winter i think.

i'm learning to go to bed earlier this semester. my roommate is teaching so she goes to bed just after 10 now. i'm trying to be in bed not much after that too. i figure there's no real reason for me to stay up later and it's good to learn discipline to wake up in the morning probably. but wow i'm feeling old and not fun-college-studenty...going to bed at 11. don't tell.

alright. time to go be productive. goodnight world.

Saturday, January 31, 2009

weekend plans

so i just read through some old posts on here. it makes me glad that i blogged cuz i've already forgotten a lot of stuff that happened. at the same time i feel a little ridiculous reading them. i've changed a lot...that's a good thing...but it's funny to see how different i was. it's kind of encouraging too because sometimes i just think of changes as bad things, but it seems like i've grown up a lot since i started writing. i wonder how long it will be til i look back and think the same thing about this post.

its a good weekend. the girls and i went to the boys' house for aldi's pizza (mmm) and freedom writers on the big screen =). and today lot's of families are coming to school...i think that's one of my favorite parts of college...the way we all get to share each others families. and i'm going to visit a church with my urban class...that'll be good too. i'm not used to being at services that are quite that long but i'm excited to see what it's like. and i'm going to see a senior theatre project, and i'm going to my first basketball game of the year! and i may even get to go swimming.

the snow is melting. the day is relaxing. the homework needs to be done. happy saturday!

Thursday, January 29, 2009


hello blogging world. it's my last year at college. my last semester actually. so i thought it would be a good time to remember. and a good time to update you all about. so i'm back to the blog =).

classes are good and not too busy yet. we had a snow day yesterday! i went sledding and got to spend time with the family i babysit. it's nice to be in a real house with a real family every once in awhile.

now that i've spent my afternoon making my blog pretty it's time to do real work. hope you're enjoying all this snow!

Monday, May 12, 2008

back again

well, it's been a very long while. it still seems a little unnecessary to post if my grandma's not going to read it. but maybe someone else will. i will anyway =). it's nice to have somewhere to think outloud.

i'm back home to a new home for the summer. it's nice to have the busyness of the school year finished and to have time to stop and think and rest. it was good to be home those first few days, even though now i'm starting to feel a little stuck without purpose here. the job search isn't going as fast as i hoped, but i'm still looking and i an application to the Y in town. we'll see what God has planned...something to help me be productive will be appreciated. until then i'm working on that contentment thing and learning during my free time and being thankful for the internet to keep me connected to the friends i dont have with me here. got some good Frank Peretti reading done this week. it's amazing what a big difference the little things make. a book to read, a room to feels so good to accomplish those things =).

so life is slow...summer's good for that. it'll probably change soon as class and work start back up and i'm pretty sure i'll enjoy that change of pace. but for now it's a good time to recharge from busyness.

hope all is well in your summer.

Monday, January 21, 2008

still seems weird to post if grandma's not going to read it, but i think it's about that time again.

life was slow today. i came home from classes and broke out the potato head pjs to do laundry in and just never felt the need to change back. which led to a nice quiet night of skipping supper and opting for easy mac in the room. the easy mac which blew out my electricity for a good hour or so haha. silly fuses. thankfully the campus safety man came and fixed it. it's been a good quiet day though...talks with the girls around the dorm and just sitting around my room. i needed that after this weekend...i didn't notice that it really was a weekend. and it looks like even after a very extended break, the homework will be done in time. another blessing in the day.

this semester has been so refreshing after last semester. i feel like a lot of the things that God has been teaching me in the past couple of years are coming together and starting to make sense in a big picture sort of way. so that's encouraging. classes are pretty good...especially ones with friends, yay! the grading assistant thing is good too...i like it. i'm enjoying this spot in life a lot right now!

this week my top career choice is teaching preschool...i mean if that whole camp thing doesn't pan out. it changes all the time, but that's what i'm thinking today. =)

Tuesday, January 01, 2008


new post. new year. new semester. so many things are new.

it's strange to post right now. i usually think to update so that people who don't live near me, specifically my grandma, know what's going on in life, so it seems funny to update now. i miss her.

break's been good. nice to be in the new house with the family. it was a nice semester, but it was draining and break has been a good time to rest and rethink and recharge. life in the country seems a little's a nice way to be in the middle of christmas break. good time to see my family and play games and sleep and clean and get ready to go back to school and figure out ideas for life. good time to reconsider priorities and focus and see how the walk is.

and now the break's almost's gone by fast. it's nice to be on break. it's nice to be at school. i'm blessed with two nice places to be. this semester looks like it will have good classes. i still love this psychology i'm looking forward to taking more classes for that. the bible studies are really encouraging and i'm excited to be in those this semester. jen and i are moving into a new room =)....i'll miss the old's a great group of girls. but i'm excited to move into the new room too...i like my roommate =D.

i looked up the word "new" in the Bible this week. it seemed kind of significant when i saw all the different times and ways it was mentioned, more than i thought of before. it was good to think about with the freshness of a new year here. it goes well with the chance that break brings to ponder life and who i want to be. matthew 22:37 and 6:21 are my thoughts as i'm thinking about the newness of this year. i want to learn about the combination of those and what it looks like...all my heart and where my treasure is...seems like there must be an important connection. that's my hope with this chance at a new year.

that's life here. hope that your year brings new depths in your love for Him. =)

Friday, November 09, 2007

"Jesus, draw me ever nearer...."

hello, world.

i'm back home this weekend...sitting in the kitchen listening to my mom and grandma talk about the evils of mice. it's entertaining. and i realized that it'd be a good chance to make a reappearance in my blog. it's really long, so feel free to skim =P...just my life in a nutshell....a very big nutshell.

this semester has been...interesting. i love my classes still...mostly all psych stuff and it's so interesting! i think intimate relationships is my favorite class right now...i love going to that class! and i'm really happy with my major right now...i like my psych classes a lot and it makes me pretty convinced that i'm in the major God wants me in. i love learning about how people work together =). people make me happy.

and that's more of what i've been learning this year. people are great...i love them a lot. but i can't depend on them to make me happy. i thought i learned that last year, but i forget how often i need reminders of things like that. it's been a really hard semester. but i'm learning a lot about what it means to trust God when i don't know what to do. and hopefully even when i think i do know what to do. something i'm sure i'll have to keep learning the rest of my life. it's been a tiring semester, but there have been really good times. good friends. good talks. good memories.

lots of choices this year. i have to find an internship soon, find a grad school, find which state i want to live in. things like that. it's a lot to think about but it's exciting too! it's encouraging to think about last summer...i knew i loved ohio and i didnt want to leave that for california...but i wouldn't have wanted to be anywhere but there. i loved it! so i'm interested to see how He shows me where to go from here. i'd love to go back to california this summer, but it sounds like i'll be home doing an internship. we'll see what He's got planned.

hmm...other things in life...i love the girls in my bible studies....i'm learning a lot there....i have two amazing roommates this year...cedarville doesnt know that bethany's our roommate because she technically sleeps downstairs haha but i love those girls...good times with friends in classes...good talks with friends....good weekends at midtown and family brunches and movie a fternoons...i have a mentor now, the prof who taught my acting class, and i've been learning lots there also.

so if i had to sum up the semester in a word i think i'd say 'learning. it's been hard sometimes. really fun sometimes. but God has put so many people in my life to teach me right now and it's exciting to look back and see those things. junior year is good...going by crazy fast, but i love it here and i'm very thankful that God's let me be at school here. i don't know why He has but i'm really glad =).

the boys played with The Demerits (they play Irish music) in the Hive one night... and we dressed the picture we're Mr. Rogers, a nerdy science-kid, a pirate, and a "Cos-tomb" =D