i'm back home this weekend...sitting in the kitchen listening to my mom and grandma talk about the evils of mice. it's entertaining. and i realized that it'd be a good chance to make a reappearance in my blog. it's really long, so feel free to skim =P...just my life in a nutshell....a very big nutshell.
this semester has been...interesting. i love my classes still...mostly all psych stuff and it's so interesting! i think intimate relationships is my favorite class right now...i love going to that class! and i'm really happy with my major right now...i like my psych classes a lot and it makes me pretty convinced that i'm in the major God wants me in. i love learning about how people work together =). people make me happy.
and that's more of what i've been learning this year. people are great...i love them a lot. but i can't depend on them to make me happy. i thought i learned that last year, but i forget how often i need reminders of things like that. it's been a really hard semester. but i'm learning a lot about what it means to trust God when i don't know what to do. and hopefully even when i think i do know what to do. something i'm sure i'll have to keep learning the rest of my life. it's been a tiring semester, but there have been really good times. good friends. good talks. good memories.
lots of choices this year. i have to find an internship soon, find a grad school, find which state i want to live in. things like that. it's a lot to think about but it's exciting too! it's encouraging to think about last summer...i knew i loved ohio and i didnt want to leave that for california...but i wouldn't have wanted to be anywhere but there. i loved it! so i'm interested to see how He shows me where to go from here. i'd love to go back to california this summer, but it sounds like i'll be home doing an internship. we'll see what He's got planned.
hmm...other things in life...i love the girls in my bible studies....i'm learning a lot there....i have two amazing roommates this year...cedarville doesnt know that bethany's our roommate because she technically sleeps downstairs haha but i love those girls...good times with friends in classes...good talks with friends....good weekends at midtown and family brunches and movie a fternoons...i have a mentor now, the prof who taught my acting class, and i've been learning lots there also.
so if i had to sum up the semester in a word i think i'd say 'learning. it's been hard sometimes. really fun sometimes. but God has put so many people in my life to teach me right now and it's exciting to look back and see those things. junior year is good...going by crazy fast, but i love it here and i'm very thankful that God's let me be at school here. i don't know why He has but i'm really glad =).

the boys played with The Demerits (they play Irish music) in the Hive one night... and we dressed up...in the picture we're Mr. Rogers, a nerdy science-kid, a pirate, and a "Cos-tomb" =D
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Good post.
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