Saturday, March 31, 2007

it's spring and i like it!

it's spring! and i like it!

we had pickadate tonight (aka pickafriend if you want to be less awkward =P...basically you and your friends surprise each other with "dates" and it's just a fun way to get to know new people)
i went with my friend matt from momm, we all had a lot of fun...picnicing at john bryan and playing the walmart game and catch phrase...good times

life is good....New Testament test this week...i've learned a lot in that thankful for my school.
and for the gorgeous weather and summer plans and friends and relaxing times and life :)

ooh, and i'm on a nichole nordeman and beach boys kick right now. in case you wondered. beach boys are just fun. and her music makes me want to spend time with Jesus...and i like that in music .

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

i guess we call it spring fever...

struggling to focus these days and ready for break i spose :-). a good week though.

we're planning a pickadate for this weekend. it's exciting to see how God's answered prayer and brought details together...i didn't really think we could pull it off for awhile there. should be interesting and none of us willetts girls know the secret of who we're going with yet...hooray for surprises!

much to do right now. not much concentration to do it.

pray for God's guidance for the future, this summer, next semester, my life please?

i got into all the classes i wanted next semester...big answer to prayer!

off to finish the speech i'm giving tomorrow. have a good night.

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

"this is my Father's world"

discontentment vs. contentment vs. apathy...
i feel like i swing back and forth between the two ends and don't stop for long enough in the middle, but i'm learning about that.
i was reminded tonight of how very, very much i have. and how very little others have. and of the ones who are given much, much is demanded. i'm still not sure what that means in my everyday life, but i'm thankful for the reminders to pray and for people who show me how to give.

in other news it's time to register for classes advisor says i'm even kind of ahead of schedule apparently which is nice...and i just sent in my application to counsel at camp this California. I just spend earth science lab today looking at maps and it's true--California is all the way on the other side of the continent...but if God takes me there i'll get to spend a few extra weeks with my family before i leave and i would be done in time to come back for family camp! so prayers would be appreciated as the director looks through applications. i also have been given the opportunity to lead a discipleship group again next year and i'm really excited about that, and jen (my roommate to be) and i just signed up to lead a getting started group of freshman together. looks like it will be a fun year!

but only if i get past this lack of motivation and get homework done! gnite all =)

oh and He gave us beautiful weather!

Sunday, March 18, 2007

ramblings turned grateful

what to say....another week of school gone by. twas a good week, i felt very productive and organized and that's always a nice feeling. it was good to be back at my own churches again and see people i hadn't seen for awhile. i'm thankful for my relationships right now....being at Midtown worshiping with people I love and then being at Creekside with more people iwhat to say....another week of school gone by. twas a good week, i felt very productive and organized and that's always a nice feeling. it was good to be back at my own churches again and see people i hadn't seen for awhile. i'm thankful for my relationships right now....being at Midtown worshiping with people I love and then being at Creekside with more people i love....both times it just kinda hit me while we were singing how much i love being surrounded by these people who mean so much to me and being in unity and being able to worship together.
i'm thankful for my school....for the fact that i have to take a New Testament class and for all that i've learned there this semester. like that justification means declared righteous. not really one of the big things you expect to learn in college, actually i'm pretty positive i knew that before. but my prof mentioned that a week or two ago almost in passing really, but it hit me hard....declared righteous. incredible.
i'm thankful for times of contentment. for how far God has brought me this year. how much He has taught me. i remember sitting down with a friend at some point this year and talking about how if we all knew the things that were going to happen this school year a lot of us probably would never have wanted to come. but so much good has come from it. i've changed and grown much this year. there have been tough times. stretching times. hurtful times. but so much healing too. God has taught me things in the midst of pain that i don't think i would've learned other ways. (and He's taught me in the good times too!) there were things i thought i understood that i've had to face in a whole new way. like what forgiveness means and what loving like Jesus means. and obviously i don't understand it all now, but i don't think i ever realized how much of it i didn't understand before, if that makes sense. and it's encouraging to look back and see the struggles change...that things get better sometimes and that even though i get frustrated with needing to learn the same things over and over, there's growth along the way.

so yeah, mini-summary of the life of elizabeth in sophomore year and it isn't even over yet, but that's what was on my heart today... i have been blessed with so very many good memories from this, so much in so many ways.....and i'm really glad to be here

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

break was wonderful...when i'm not so tired i'll try to post some pics and fun stuff like that.

i just found out tonight that i didn't make DC this year. kinda disappointing and kinda relieving but i'm convinced that God's will was done...that decision was very covered in prayer. it was exciting to see who did make it though, because i'm praying about/planning to lead a small group again next year and i would learn a lot under some of those girls. a lot a lot! so that's exciting!

the weather is beautiful.

Thursday, March 08, 2007

the ocean was beautiful!
we were there for 3 days and it was amazing to get to see the changes in the ocean and the colors and the sunrise and the beach! twas beautiful!