Thursday, October 05, 2006

today i did dishes.
and other stuff. but that was a big accomplishment in my life today haha.
i wrote a skit for theatre. about senior skip day in iowa when i went to school and all that crazy stuff the starburst thing.

we lost power tonight at least twice. it was pretty fun. i'm kinda easily entertained. =D

yesterday i had a date with my gma on im. i'm pretty sure i don't know anyone else who gets to email their gma and ask for an msn date haha. but they'd be missing out, cuz it was pretty fun! i learned lots of cool stuff about her...i like her a lot :)

"i put God first made him number one; higher than all of my plans; i put God first made Him number heart is under his command"...the camp song of the day stuck in my mind :) have a good one! ttyl

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