Monday, January 01, 2007

  • changed my major to pscyh
  • went to the ocean with the family! and thought i was gonna die cuz i dont wear sunblock...but we'll ignore that was still fun.
  • got to spend a week-ish with the MI cousins
  • went to kids kamp and got to counsel with mandy again! our 3rd year as cabin Esther!
  • went to quiz finals for probably the last time
  • went to my grandpa's funeral
  • got to know a lot of my extended family (my gpa's step-kids)
  • went to family camp and got to watch jenna again and try being in charge of a preschool class for a few day! and had lots of good times with friends in the middle of it all! i love it there
  • spent one more summer traveling with my family.
  • met jessica, ben, jen, and mel! how crazy is that, that i didn't know any of them at the beginning of last year? it's kind of exciting to think about what could happen now this year too.
  • moved into a hall with a bunch of amazing girls!
  • got to lead a getting started group with kaitlin!
  • started going to the same school as nathaniel again!
  • took lots of wonderful picnics and an amazing road trip to MI with some of my favorite people!
  • got to bring friends home lots of times...even 10 once!
  • still get to go to church with two of my favorite families and even got to start taking some friends from school with me!
  • got the chance to lead a discipleship group of 8 great girls and the chance to be in a group with 7 other girls who have taught me so much about God this year!
had one of the best and hardest semesters of my life thus far. this last semester was really hard at some points...times with friends were really difficult in some ways, but as cliche as it sounds, those are the times when God has taught me the most. pain is a good attention-grabber and i've learned a lot this year. i'm really thankful for that!

it was also the best semester i've had in that i've gotten close to so many people that i love at school and even been able to be home a lot too. i've never gone back to the same group of friends at school before because of moving and graduation and stuff and that was a definite blessing this year. it's been so good spending time with a few close friends too...God has given me several friends that know me better than very many people ever have and i get to live with them and hang out with them a lot...i have journal entries i can look back at where i was asking God to send me someone at school that i could talk to about things and He's provided way more than one person!!! it's been good and i'm excited about 2007!

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