Monday, January 22, 2007

how we know i'm not ready to be a mother - or a nursing major...

my roommate started feeling sick wednesday night...i never even saw her awake on thursday because she was in bed almost all day...she's been sick ever since, and this morning was the worst yet....she didn't sleep much last night and it hurt to breathe, so we had the EMT come on up this morning and he sent us over to buy her meds and they helped for a little while, but we made an ER run tonight...they got her on antibiotics so she's feeling much better now. thanks to all of you who prayed. we'd appreciate more prayer that none of the rest of us will catch any of it...i think the final diagnosis was strep throat, a sinus infection, and an ear infection or two. crazy stuff. God sent people to help at all the right was an eventful day and i'm a little beat...but it's looking like the rest of the week will be a little more relaxing =).

and hey guys, it's winter! it even snowed! yay!

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