Sunday, April 15, 2007


"Blessed are they whose transgressions are forgiven, whose sins are covered. Blessed is the man whose sin the Lord will never count against him"

i was thinking about blessings tonight and that's what Paul had to say about it. of all the blessings none of them can compare with that one. but i can think of so many tonight.

i think of my family...who love me and love Jesus and will let me go serve Him across the country this summer and will be here waiting and loving me when i get back;

i think of the chance to be here at school, it hit me this week how some people work hard at school because their parents have paid so much money for them to be here or even because they've paid so much to be here themselves but honestly, Jesus is the one who has provided the money for me to be here, this year especially He's given the scholarships. and it kind of makes me think a little more about how much i pay attention in classes. and i think of the fact that i have a few profs specifically who love Jesus and model that to me every day.

i think of the friends He has given me here. i love them and i'm so grateful for them. for the good conversations and the laughter and the hugs through the tears when those come too and the meals and the roadtrips and the picnics and so many good times. i'm grateful for the things that i learn from them and for the conversations with them that make me want to go and spend more time with Jesus and for the encouragement in my schoolwork and in life in general. they mean a lot to me!

i think of midtown, my saturday church. the love that i see there is huge; the love shown to those in the community because of the love for Jesus and the opportunites i get there. i got to work in the nursery this week and it was so much fun! i haven't gotten to do official nursery duty since i was a junior in high school and i loved it! mel and i got to watch a couple adorable little kids and it was great!

i think of creekside, my sunday church, and how much i love the people there and the examples that they set for me also. i love them!

i think of the quizmeet this weekend and the friends there. i even got to see jenna and jillian! i got to play with jillian for the first time! i'm really excited to babysit them this summer! so excited!

so yeah....those are the things that have made me feel loved this week and so very blessed! and i could go on and on(but i already did that for plenty long enough for a blog =P) i'm working on praising Him in the tough times, but when i think about it in the good times i like to tell you the things that i thank Him for then too! He has given me so much!

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